Nicaragua is much like the United States in that most people have heard of Jesus, but not all actually know Him. Many actually claim to be Christians, but they don't seem to have a full understanding of what that means. Churches are everywhere. The name of Jesus, or God, or the Holy Spirit, is on almost every bus and taxi. However, the lives of the people have not been impacted by the love of Christ.
Because of this, our evangelism takes a more personal approach. Rather than trying to gather a large crowd and speak to thousands through microphones, we prefer a one on one approach. Each of our ministry methods are designed to get us close to people where we can talk with them individually or in small groups and share the Gospel of Christ.
We teach our discipleship groups to evangelize. This strengthens their faith and removes some of the barriers we encounter when trying to spread the Gospel to the Nicaraguan people.
Evangelism grows out of our discipleship. It is a natural part of our every day life. As go through our days, we look for opportunities to share Christ's love and to share the Gospel.